Sparkassen-Handballcup 2022 LIVESTREAM

All JoomlaShine templates can be effortlessly configured by template parameters. In template setting page, you will find 40+ template parameters arranged into logical groups for convenient operation.

Over 40 parameters to pick up

Set parameters without confusion

Most parameters are designed that way that you can simply select options without confusion about what value to define. All parameters are equipped with description text for easier understanding.

Parameters to control layout dimensions
Parameters to control layout dimensions

Parameters to control colors & styles
Parameters to control colors & styles

Veranstaltungsgemeinschaft Sparkassen Handballcup
Heide Aust und Thomas Giesler
Schlossbergweg 4
36286 Neuenstein

E-Mail:   info(@)
Telefon: +49 (0) 6677 918211
Telefax: +49 (0) 6677 918575

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